Records Management & Storage Company

Geographic Market:

Peoria, IL
Industry:  Records Management
Budget: $150,000
Duration: 3 weeks
Services: Warehouse Racking Procurement & Installation

A records management and storage company came to MAC Relocations needing design and installation for pallet racking for a 6,000 sq. ft. space in their warehouse.  The main objective for the client was to maximize the volume of box storage that was available.

The MAC Relocations team began by analyzing the space and developing a plan.  They determined that they could increase the capacity of the space to 50,000 cubic feet of billable storage volume in the area, which would be the maximum amount that would fit.  The client was impressed with this plan.

There were some other requirements the client had as well.  The racking layout had to adhere to all local ordinances.  This included allowing the necessary space under sprinkler heads, ensuring that all exits were unencumbered and easily accessible.

There were also some operational requirements for the project.  The MAC team worked with the customer to ensure they knew the size of all equipment they used for moving records and ensured that there was adequate aisle room for the equipment to get through.  They also had to get estimates for weight capacity and ensure the beams and uprights had a strong enough weight rating to work.

The Relocation Consultant sourced racking from multiple sources over the country to complete the project.  By focusing on reusing pre-owned racking, the client received an eco-friendly solution in addition to being cost-effective.

The installation project took place over the course of 3 weeks in sections as the space was needed.  All product was received in at the warehouse and inspected thoroughly.  The MAC Installers took extra care to ensure all parts were safely and securely put together.  The project was completed on-time and on-budget.

If you have an upcoming warehouse or industrial facility project that requires racking or shelving, give MAC Relocations a call.